Dental Implants Should ONLY Cost $99/Tooth (If You Know Where To Look)

It’s common for seniors to lose teeth. But fortunately, dental implants offer a permanent solution to rebuild your smile. Start an online search today to discover how dental implants can provide seniors with durable and natural-looking teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are replacement teeth, crafted out of materials like ceramic and attached to small rods of titanium. Dental implants are drilled into the bone of your jaw in the sockets that used to hold your missing teeth.

Unlike other solutions for missing teeth, dental implants never need to be adjusted or sized. They’re fitted perfectly into your natural jaw.

Dental Implants Offer Better Benefits for Seniors

Many seniors opt for dentures instead of dental implants. This is typically because dentures can give you a full mouth of replacement teeth at an affordable price. However, dentures can’t beat the benefits that dental implants offer.

Dental implants are one of the best ways to achieve natural looking and feeling teeth. The replacement teeth feel like your own, and they’re indistinguishable from your other teeth.

Implants are a far better alternative to dentures. More comfortable and customized, you never have to worry about the uncomfortable fit or pain that can come with wearing dentures. You don’t need to remove them to soak at night or to apply any adhesives or creams.

Getting dental implants can also help prevent bone loss. When you lose a tooth, the bone underneath it starts to be reabsorbed by your body. Dental implants help to stabilize your jaw and to prevent bone loss.

Dental Implants Can Be Affordable

To get dental implants, you’ll need to consult a cosmetic dentist or oral surgeon. Because of this, many people worry about the cost of dental implants. A single implant may cost anywhere from $1,500 to $6,700. Fortunately, dental implants aren’t as costly as they were in years past.

Seniors can also look into money-saving options to make dental implants cheaper. While Medicare doesn’t cover dental expenses, Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans can offer dental insurance. Dental savings plans can also be helpful – for a small fee each year, you can save between 10 and 60 percent on dental procedures like implants. Or, depending on your location, you could get dental implants for as much as 60% off the sticker price through services like Groupon.

Dental Implants Can Restore Seniors’ Smiles

Don’t live the rest of your live without smiling – missing teeth can easily be replaced with new, natural options. Dental implants can give you back your smile and your confidence.

If you want to know whether affordable dental implants are the right choice for you, you need to do your research. Take time to explore the available options for seniors, compare prices from different dentists, and how dental implants can suit your smile. They’re truly a worry-free option – and you will be able to live freely, with perfect teeth once again.

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